Welcome to the extraxi blog...

If you found this page accidentally and don't know what extraxi is about... we specialise in reporting solutions for the Cisco Secure ACS and Funk SBR access control servers (aka AAA servers).

The servers are predominantly used to secure network services such as dial, wireless lan, vpn, firewall and network device management.

Typically these servers just chuck out MBs of raw CSV log data about network activity. What we do is to help collect this data then import and turn it into useable information.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

CSVSync V3.0

Released a week or two ago, this new version of csvsync can automate the process of exporting the ACS database via the Support function.

We posted about this a while back here and now its officially released.

If you have an active support & maintenance contract you get an automatic 40% discount on list price, and if you purchase aaa-reports! enterprise you'll get it bundled.