Welcome to the extraxi blog...

If you found this page accidentally and don't know what extraxi is about... we specialise in reporting solutions for the Cisco Secure ACS and Funk SBR access control servers (aka AAA servers).

The servers are predominantly used to secure network services such as dial, wireless lan, vpn, firewall and network device management.

Typically these servers just chuck out MBs of raw CSV log data about network activity. What we do is to help collect this data then import and turn it into useable information.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

What the Government should be spending on in the credit crunch

A bit off the usual topic, but...

I was at my local gym this week (part of a larger council run leisure centre) and commented on how hot the poolside and changing rooms felt - not what you need after a 5km run!! It struck me how incredibly high their energy usage must be - 3 pools, sports hall, gym, various studios etc etc with what looks like quite a thin uninsulated roof.

It struck me that instead of pumping millions into banks, the car industry, more roads, 3rd runway at Heathrow etc.. that perhaps the government should embark on a project to retrofit all public owned buildings with solar thermal and electric (where possible). This would cost many millions of pounds but provide much needed jobs by creating a whole new industry and above all would SAVE MONEY and CO2 for years to come.

My local gym has a massive flat roof structure that would be ideal for mounting the panels and tubes etc. Right now the staff are being told to switch off lights to save money... given the lighting is all low energy anyway its hard to see them saving much.

Come on Mr Brown - spend money.. lots of money, but on the right stuff.

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